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    Just experienced a period of perfect harmony passion, you also pondering
    a romantic moment in the sex, but he did stand up asleep snoring like thunder, or just keep watch TV.

    At this point, you waves of lust is just like being poured the cold water?
    According to the U.S. Fox News reports, the similar situation is not uncommon in our lives.
    Both men and women, they are all very hard working and
    pour their Heart into It in the sex. But a small mistake after the passion could make
    it come to naught. After sex, is there some taboos?

    Can not eat cool stuff immediately

    In the sex life, people often feel hot and
    thirsty. Eat the cold foods, without any adverse effects on the reproductive system.
    The changes caused by sexual excitement only concentrated in the sensory nervous system and the endocrine system, with sexual
    excitement subsided, this change will be returning to normal slowly.
    Eating some cool stuff, even have a stimulating effect, no more than limited to the digestive tract.

    However, in the sex life, the sympathetic often is very
    excitement, in contrast to the usual gastrointestinal blood will decrease.
    Therefore, before the gastrointestinal mucosa congestion, immediately
    drink iced water can cause gastrointestinal mucosa, gastrointestinal damage.
    In severe cases, may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort or cramps.
    So whether it is summer or winter. The experts suggest that after sex, if
    feel thirsty, may wish to drink a small amount of warm water or cold boiled water, try not to drink ice water or ice drinks.

    Who suffer from gastroenteritis, indigestion, ulcer disease, even if they are not sexual intercourse, eat
    more cold food is also not good. Thus, the consumption of cold ice cream, popsicles, regardless of sexual intercourse or not, should be depending on their gastrointestinal function, should enough is
    enough, do not eating uncontrolled.

    Can not sleep right away

    After sex, the man usually tired, so many people like to sleep afterwards, thinking that it would be
    able to eliminate fatigue. In fact, the opposite is true,
    which would make fatigue after ejaculation continued the next day.

    Under normal circumstances, the husband and wife in the sex,
    from sexual excitement of both sides to the end of the orgasm, the duration is approximately 5 to 20
    minutes or longer than this. During sex, the body sympathetic state of high
    tension, various hormones of the human body, especially the strong sex hormone secretion stronger.

    At this time, not only both sexual organs in a high state of congestion, to the climax of
    sexual excitement, many of the organizations of the body are
    also involved in this particular physiological processes, such as:
    rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, breathing deeply
    and fast, body skin blood vessels to dilate increased sweating.
    Accordingly, in this process, the body’s energy consumption is significantly increased, and increased metabolism.

    The reason why there is a sense of fatigue after sex động vật,
    most due to the controlled discharge of semen after ejaculation reflection for a moment to relax.
    Ejaculation nervous excitement and tension, nerves and spinal
    cord reflexes will relaxation after ejaculation.

    Because the young people’s nerves Sensitive and active, so they recovered quickly,
    even some resumed immediately. The older people, the neural response is slow, the recovery time is relatively
    long, if sleep immediately after ejaculation, the reflex function continues to relaxation, so the fatigue will not go away.

    Do not sleep after Sex life immediately, you can get up and
    continue to do things in daily life, can make the slow reflexes smooth recovery which because of the sexual stimulation.
    If you immediately fell down to sleep, sleep dull effect and slow effects of sexual stimulation, will cause the
    fatigue continued until the next day.

    Not have the hair immediately

    After sex is likely to sweaty, men like naked facing the air conditioning blowing directly, and this is not
    right, because it is easy to give bacteria a chance to multiply.

    After sex, the ability of the body to regulate temperature will be weakened,
    vulnerable to cold.

    In addition, direct chilling by cold air can also cause
    sweat glands drain hole suddenly closed, so that the sweat retention and can not be

    Therefore, even in the heat, but also need to avoid facing the
    air conditioning blowing cold air directly,
    should be covered with a thin quilts and do not wear clothes.

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